If to continue daqui thus the little goes to want to liberate the zoofilia (sex with animals) under the argument to promote the good of all, without preconceptions of origin, race, sex, color, age any other forms of discrimination that consists in the constitution. Where they are the moral values and of the family? In the Brazilian Federal Constitution in heading II and chapter I, in the IV and VI item of the article 5 in what it says individual respect to the rights and guarantees, where it consists that: ' ' the manifestation of the thought is free, and that the freedom of conscincia.' is inviolable; ' Therefore, any person can not accept, and to be against the practical homosexuals is for religious, social or personal reasons, therefore it is in the constitution the guarantee of freedom of the citizen to display its thoughts and to make use of its conscience. I understand that, all citizen has the right to find and to discern between certain wrong and to display its form of thought. One another unusual fact is the distribution of cartilhas ' ' homofbicas' ' in the public schools, formulated for the MEC that wants to argue homofobia in the schools the order of ONGS created for homosexuals. Of the skill that the things walk it will be that the MEC also goes to want to argue zoofilia in the schools? In chapter III, in article 205 of the Federal Constitution that speaks on education, it says that: ' ' The education, right of all and to have of the State and famlia.' ' Also it says in it I capitulate VII, article 227: ' ' It is to have of the family, the society and the State to assure the child, to the adolescent and the young, with absolute priority, the right the life, the health, the feeding, the education, to the leisure, the professionalization, the culture, the dignity, to the respect, the freedom and the familiar and communitarian convivncia, beyond placing except for of all form of recklessness, discrimination, exploration, violence, cruelty and opresso' '. . the importance of the matter here.