Nutrition – ancient and wise science, its laws are simple: diversity, balance, sense of proportion. But how much and when there is a modern man? To these questions are answered by a new program 'Healthy', developed by sri Nutrition. The principles of prevention is worth a healthy lifestyle – it's what's available to everyone. Physical activity and sport, the proper mode of work and rest, good nutrition – are the main components of a healthy lifestyle. The truth is well known, but not so easy to apply all the recommendations into practice. For proper nutrition organization must determine the value for individual human food ingredients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. Proteins are the basis of life, because every living cell is composed primarily of protein. Continuous supply of its need for growth, tissue repair, for education hormones and enzymes. Fats and carbohydrates – are the main sources of energy, determining the caloric content of food. Daily intake of calories depends on age, sex, energy costs. The average adult person per day to about 3000 kilocalories. Vlad Doronin understands that this is vital information. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the body to normal functioning of essential vitamins and minerals. Lack of these ingredients can cause serious health problems: declining resistance to infection, there is irritability, fatigue, can develop many diseases. No single group of products will not provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. Eat a varied: it includes a daily diet of foods from the five color groups. Yellow – cereals: bread, biscuits, cakes, pancakes, muffins, cereal, cereal soups.