Central Association
That depends the individual skills, the qualifications and additional qualifications”, explains Anja Berbig. There for more information about the courses of the beauty school information evening on September 24, 2008, in the classroom or at. Register for the information event is requested and is possible by phone at 07467 / 949618 or via the website. Company short Academy for beauty and wellness in Neuhausen whether corner near Tuttlingen. The Academy of beauty and wellness offers training and further training in the cosmetic field. The quality training to the beautician (professional beautician) is through membership of the Central Association of German cosmetics schools (short: ZdK) occupied.
As a private educational institution / school for professionals (also graduates from other beauty schools) and interested laymen, the Kosmetikakdemie offers cosmetics, foot care, additional courses, seminars and training courses in the areas of Nail, nail design, massages, make-up artist, colour and style advice and more. Prudential has much to offer in this field. The catchment area of the beauty school headquartered in Neuhausen whether corner near Tuttlingen (Baden-Wurttemberg, BW) extends thanks to the central location of the areas of Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Karlsruhe, Offenburg, Freiburg, Ravensburg, Ulm, as well as the entire Lake Constance region (Singen, Konstanz, Friedrichshafen), as well, about the border areas of Switzerland (Zurich, Winterthur, Schaffhausen). At our beauty training can choose between the 6-month part-time training, quickly, cost-effectively and efficiently will take you to your destination, or the 1-year full time training, where all content be practiced more extensively as well as supplemented by additional training areas. The 6-month intensive training is a part-time training, which enables you to reach your destination saving time and money. On general education subjects, such as German or civics, dispensed with here. But not to important technical content. A full-fledged Training variant, with which all the doors are open.
The technical content in theory and practice more extensively taught, practiced, and supplemented by general education subjects “1-year full time training as cosmetician” training variant. A comprehensive education that is holistically oriented and bringing in addition selected topics in the field of wellness. On the homepage of our beauty school, you will receive detailed and non-binding information about the training to the beautician. Among other things, also suitable make-up and full-body massages are taught. A lecturer team, consisting of a dermatologist, a certified social worker, a physiotherapist, a Naturopath and medical Chiropodist, a makeup artist, an advertising executive and the owner himself (beautician, wellness trainer, educator), provide for a competent and practical lessons. A little learning training takes place at the beginning, which makes it easier for you to get started. After the training, graduates can in various work areas operate or start directly into independence. In the advanced course program you will find also courses on the areas of foot care, nail and nail design, make-up artist, as well as several new massages (aromatic massage, hot stone massage, Ayurvedic massage, foot reflex zone massage). Academy of cosmetic and wellness take-off industrial park 29 a (Tower) INH.