Options Verification
Second, the estimates should reflect the real need for materials and actual costs. "Estimates builders tend to overstate, – said Alexander Suvorov Director of . – For example, in the repair of a simple two-bedroom apartment can easily "cheat" at least 30%. " Options for an artificial increase in the expenditure side, there are many. You can specify a value building materials above the average market price, enter the work that really will not be reached, inflate the consumption of cement, fasteners, etc. Some portion of cost of articles can be verified independently, For example, studying the price lists of several shops and construction companies. However, not always an ordinary person, not possessing special knowledge and experience, is able to detect all the caveats.
In this case, help may have a builder friend, and if such is not, then please contact the organization dedicated to verification of estimates. Currently, many companies offer individuals an audit of all repair documentation. Have such services and construction company with a staff of quantity surveyors. In the Moscow building company "The House noted that, as a rule, after a careful analysis of the estimates the total cost work is reduced by at least 10%. Prices for the compilation and verification of estimates can be different: it all depends on the amount of work. Some firms take a percentage of the total amount (from 0,2% to 0,5%), other – line by line (approximately 250 usd. Per pricing row). When carrying out major repairs, along with checking the estimates, it is recommended to organize and technical supervision.