Recycling Toner Protect The Environment
English study: CO2 footprint significantly lower than in Originaltonern the use of recycled toner cartridges not only saves money, but also the environment. For the first time could be detected in a British study, that the CO2 balance of the recycling cartridge significantly better than, by Originaltonern. Therefore 25 per cent of less CO2 is produced when recycling a cartridge usually, as in the production of a completely new toner. In some cases, the difference was even 40% and more. Where: the a cartridge is more durable, better environmental performance will be. Only the parts of a cartridge be replaced toner recycling, especially the plastic can be reused but more often. The study was commissioned by the UKCRA in order, the governing body of British toner recycling companies.
The authors urge large companies, in response to the results of this study to use more recycled cartridges and refrain as much as possible on new products in this area. We expect the entire The use of recycling cartridges could lead to a reduction of CO2 emissions by up to 400,000 tons a year world market consumption high. Also in Germany, the study already encountered great interest. The great Berlin printer accessories dealer TONERDUMPING sees the study as a reaffirmation of the decision, besides original products to offer more and more recycling toner. “We make sure that the quality of the toner that we offer, is similar to the original. The price savings speaks of up to 70 percent already for itself and the environmental benefit should also no longer be underestimated after this study”, explains Managing Director Daniel Orth. Access according to him now about two-thirds of the customers of his company to remanufactured toners and printer cartridges. TONER DUMPING operates a nationwide mail order and 12 shops in Berlin.