Changing Careers

Too often in life, no. Not because we set our goals for the achievement of high and lose our aspirations. In contrast, not because we believe our dreams too low and their achievement. If we achieve what we set out to do, then what is considered a failure? Failure occurs when we are not fulfilling our highest aspirations. Teresa Castro, career coach and author of the executives of The Dark Before the Dawn: 70 Secrets of self-discovery, provides a vision of what anyone can do while you are in the midst of wanting to change careers. PASS THE ONE NIa'O INNONENCE began our lives as children with high goals. For example, a child may decide that they would like to grow up and become an astronaut and travel to the moon.

This child does not have the ability to place any limitations on themselves. They do not think what degree must have to be an astronaut. They do not care about all the details that are necessary to achieve this dream. Instead, the child only knows that they are space exploration enthusiasts. When you are in the midst of a career change, think and dream as a child.

Let your passions lead in a direction that is right for you. LIMITATIONS remove any society, friends and / or family members can put a stop to their hopes and they say they are unable to achieve their highest vision. They can tell you're too old, not smart enough not have enough money, do not have the appropriate training, experience or simply are the wrong race or gender.

The Touch

The sales results achieved in this single, pushed the entire disk out? Within me is a song repertoire than the first select, along with I am not guilty, and most of the remaining conditional songs helped us get where we wanted to clarify to go. – And now, I am not guilty, is a bit like the story is from “Inside of me,” was that the intention? Well, we decided to give that continuity during the recording of the two video clips in Havana because I loved the idea of Rubendario to give continuity to the story of “within me” but they are different stories fit together easily with the touch of that “within me” is a song that is primarily a love story at night, fleeting love, love, passion and timely one night, as opposed to “I’m not the culprit “is a story much more mature, deeper, less superficial, in which there is a love triangle in which one neglects his partner and this begins a new relationship with a third person, something very usual nowadays. – Go, cry, make me eat and I am not guilty, are issues being rather than orders, did you think that these issues would be the most orders? The truth is that no, I love all the songs, I have no special above the others because all were elected by the feelings I got when you hear them, though the songs were chosen to provide a range of possibilities public who has to decide or accept that kind of song you prefer, but we felt it was important to have variety, have different colors under a same union that is the Latin pop and we were not afraid to merge with other genres such as funk, r & b, latin or house. .

Teaching Methods

The same it is well interesting, therefore it classifies the different stages of audiovisual production. The first stage is the conception is the moment of the gestation of the ideas, at this moment is argued and defined the content to be portraied in the production as well as the format of the video, writes the script.

The second phase is composed of three stages: daily pay-production, that is as the work goes to be produced. After that it has been broken for the writing, later the finishing, at this moment it can be made some adjustments, some cuts, can be included some effect special, is hour to edit the video so that the same it arrives at the waited result in accordance with the content and the format of the same. In regards to pedagogical practical mine already I worked some projects in schools, having as resource the medias printed some individually, others of group, however I must stand out that I did not even carry through no audiovisual production in my room-of-lesson because in this field illiterate age.

The Pupils

The activity below was carried through with the pupils. Considered exercises) It constructs a triangle with a straight angle. b) It constructs to a triangle with three sides de5 centimeters. c) It constructs a triangle that has a side de5 centimeters, an angle of 20 and another angle of 70. d) It constructs a triangle with angles of 60, 100 and 40. From these exercises, pupils had been inquired to perceive what he happens with the triangle of letter d. Then, the teacher considered a constructive debate so that the pupils argued on the main characteristics of this triangle in relation to its angles. Of this form, the necessity exists of that the professors stimulate the debate to assist the pupils to explore the theorem of the addition of the internal angles of a triangle as well as other angular properties of this geometric figure.

Presentation and Analysis of the Results Steps (2000) affirm that the pupils represent and construct the space through the interpretation, manipulation and interaction with the way in which they are inserted. With this perspective, the mental images constructed by the pupils intervene with its geometric visualization. Then, the geometry education is essential in the first years of escolarizao, therefore it facilitates and it promotes the contact of the pupils with the geometric elements. The constructions of space and of the geometric concepts leads to a gradual process of preparation of the pupils, therefore only the explanation of the professors would not be enough for the acquisition of this geometric knowledge. The activities developed in this project had allowed that the pupils passed of a level of understanding for another one as its geometric maturity. Of this form, with an appropriate education they had evolved sequentially for the other superior levels of geometric conceptual understanding. However, Steps (2000) argue that we must take care with this boarding, therefore an education of superior geometry to the level of agreement of the pupils can hinder the progress and compromise the understanding of the geometric content of these pupils.

New Odessa

The props of darker pink Hibisco had gotten brotamento in all the types of ground, however with bigger efficiency in the land mixture with seasoning NPK (10-10-10) more pie of mamona, in the ratio indicated for the manufacturer of the fertilizer, in the too much ground combinations the results had been inferior. The props of red Hibisco mini (hybrid), had not gotten satisfactory brotamento in none of the tested combinations. The prop of red Hibisco variegatus got satisfactory brotamento in at least 3 props in the common land combination alone + pie of mamona and also in the combination land comum+torta of mamona+ NPK (10-10-10), in the too much ground combinations the results had been inferior. The props of hybrid folded pink Hibisco had gotten satisfactory brotamento in all tested ground combinations, being they: terra+NPK+torta of mamona, land + pie of mamona and common land and land + NPK? The props of red Hibisco giant hybrid had not presented resulted favorable in none of the tested mixtures. The props of Hibisco folded salmon hybrid, terra+NPK+ presented brotamento in only 2 props this inserted in the substratum pie and pure common land. Thus being we conclude that the pure varieties, not hybrid, better present development in the reproduction for props. In the research carried through with paisagistas, between 25 looked professionals, the results had been the following ones: 14 hibisco Utilizam frequently. 08 hibisco Utilizam to the times, depending on the possibility.

02 Utilizam rare. 01 it does not use, but it believes that it can come to use. FINAL CONCLUSIONS? The varieties more known and used in paisagismo projects they are simple the red rose and, not hybrid. The ground use with common land without fertilizer implementation, favors to the brotamento of not hybrid the simple varieties. The Hibisco is known by professionals of the area paisagismo, even so either one plants exotic. Of the hybrid varieties, the one that more is distinguished in easiness of brotamento and development is the pink.

So Paulo

The focus of the work is the learning, its interaction with the sociocultural environment and as the activities of its context cultural series of Basic Ensino can attenuate the difficulties in the education of Geometry in 5. Research is being carried through in a room with 32 pupils, in a public school of the State net, located in the Zone East of So Paulo. A group of 5 series of Basic Ensino, in a public school of the City of So Paulo. The school has in its pedagogical project, to develop new metodolgicas activities, whose pertaining to school direction allows the professor to develop its work with autonomy being aimed at to improve the quality of education and learning.

These 32 pupils, two do not like to collect albums of figurinhas, excessively already they had collected or they collect and they like. During the lessons of Mathematics, the pupils had produced, albums of figurinhas, having as referencial the geometric contents, of the book Practising Mathematical, 5 series, authors Alvaro Andrini and Maria Jose Vasconcellos, Publishing company of Brazil, 2002. Total = 1 album for each pupil. The weekly load of Mathematics is 06 lessons, being 02 lessons of Geometry. In each week, the pupils have two lessons of geometry, one inside and another one is of the classroom (in the pertaining to school space). The activities are made in group of five pupils, being one of them monitorial one (chosen for excessively of the group). We objectify to analyze the involved aspects in the education process and learning, for the construction of the knowledge of Geometry and mathematical abilities in the classroom; we search to evidence the influence of the cultural aspect in the development process, for the citizens, from the carried through pedagogical actions in environment of classroom of Mathematics; Each pupil placed in the first page, of the album, a photo its, wrote its personal datas and of its family.

The Above

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