Human Resources
The management of human resources in times of crisis at times of uncertainty, managing human capital is a real challenge. HR managers must face daily pressures to reduce the cost of the staff and, at the same time, minimize the impact of decisions on restructuring and freezing of wages on the climate, the motivation and productivity of the people who remain in the company. In a context of cuts in expenditure and total austerity, it is not easy for managers of the area resisted the demands of business managers to implement high impact in the short term, but of dubious effectiveness measures for the moment in which difficulties have become souvenir. The anxiety that inspires the crisis and the pressure to do something often generate disjointed measures which may seriously affect organizational performance in the long term. The impact of the crisis on companies in the human resources function, there are no magic recipes to act when the crisis tightens.
Without However, the first actions that decide to start companies tend to be linked to the control and reduction of personnel costs. Here, see what are these measures and the impact they are having on organizations. Trimming of staff: while in argentina the most companies have not made significant personnel cuts, dismissal for drip is a reality that many organizations are getting used. This measure is extremely effective in terms of profit in the short term, but is very badly received by the staff. The recession of 2001 showed that layoffs are paid (and very expensive).
And it is precisely this measure which, once passed the crisis, more affects the commitment of employees who remain. Even at that occasion many companies that reduced their templates to save were found, years later, they are serious problems to cover some of the key posts. Decrease in wage increases: the adjustment of the average salary of positions that are they are outside the Union conventions underwent a strong decline.