Royal Academy

First let’s see what says the dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish language which means culture: 2cultura. (From the lat. cult? ra). f culture. 2. Set of knowledge that allows someone to develop his critical judgment. 3 A set of ways of life, customs, knowledge and degree of artistic, scientific, industrial, development in an era, social group, etc.

4 ant. Religious cult. physical. f set of knowledge about gymnastics and sports, and practice them, aimed at the full development of the bodily faculties. popular.

f set of demonstrations in which is expressed the traditional life of a people in the third sense that culture is a set of ways of life and customs have therefore we can define organizational culture in the following way: organizational culture: is driving an organization, formed in the same values reinforced by myths, legends and taboos trespassed by the different generations, guided by the rules laid down by the leaders. We explain the concept more in detail: is driving an organization: is the way in which business organizations carried out their work activities. From the values formed therein: in this part do not stop a moment to clarify the term values that people mistakenly become familiar with this topic: values according to the DRAE means: 210. Fil. Quality that possess some realities, considered goods, which are valuable. Values have polarity in how much are positive or negative, and hierarchy as soon as they are higher or lower. As you can be seen in the concept values are qualities that possess and which are estimated as goods and that these can be positive or negative. A colleague at the University told me that there were positive and negative values but values and possitive, the first were those who most felt as correct and seconds otherwise. Yet that majority is a relative term because if we reviewed in the history Hitler managed to atrocities committed by the Empire think he would be as a positive attitude by a large number of Germans not to say that for most.

Do You Know Which Are Safe To Become Pregnant At 40 Methods?

Do you believe that forty years can not get nothing better because it is living the life that he has always wanted with the success that it has achieved? There is a feeling of emptiness when he realized that these things become useless when you have no one with whom to share it? If you see that your life is going through only one reading of the above questions, then this is the right place for you.At forty, many women are successful in their careers and are living the life you have always wanted. But many are beginning to realise the importance of having a son, and frequently will question because something considered impossible to become pregnant at this age. At this age women are in the locked position by so many issues that they think it is too late so they can become pregnant.If you are one of the fortunate few who have determination, this article will give you some helpful tips in making the best choices for getting pregnant. I know you must be emotionally and physically difficult to take a decision for you, but you have to keep in mind is that you are not alone.There are women out there who are going through the same as you.Rather than think of the happiness that comes to you when I managed to get pregnant.To read this column you will discover some secrets that can make it happen for you. Be not afraid of complications the number one factor that prevents women from go forward with the pregnancy at this age is fear.This is a natural consequence, because when the body becomes greater it is possible that complications.But always remember it is important to keep in mind that exercise and a proper diet can help to combat these complications that may arise.

Therefore, if you have the certainty of the shape that has kept his body in the past years, then there is no reason to be overcome by fear. Refer to your GYN when you’ve finally won this determination to achieve getting pregnant at forty then the next important step to be taken is consult an expert.Your doctor It can give you a holistic perspective of the condition of your body.This is an essential step not only for the women of your age but for any woman who wants to get pregnant at any age.When I was going through the same thing, remember the advice that gave me my doctor and some suggestions that she gave to make it easier for me to stay pregnant.You sponginess not get the opinion of your doctor and go and get it today. Locate a community not everyone in the circle of his friends might be going through the same thing and it may be the only one with this situation. That is why it is important to find a community that understands what is happening.You will be able to Exchange advice and experiences with others.This will help you be more informed about their situation and allow that you can compare your notes with other women also. Here is the most effective natural remedy for infertility of all this method is so powerful that you will be able to get pregnant in the next 60 days or less in spite of all the problems of infertility and even if you are already in the 1940s. By following this simple trick, you will be able to finally have beautiful and healthy baby has always wanted.I advise you to discover this natural method to conceive doing here!

The Spine

The role of our spine is difficult to overestimate. The mainstay of the human body and all its organs is a skeleton (in which about 200 bones), and the support of the skeleton – spine. Attached to the spine all the organs. The spine is the main body, with through which we can move. The spine protects from damage during sudden movements, jumping and running other organs: heart, lungs, liver, brain. Cope with all these very complicated functions of the spine may be due to its special structure. Human spine is a little bent out of shape.

This structural feature gives a person the ability to move in a vertical position and can withstand fairly large axial load. At the same time, the serpentine shape of the spine allows it to be flexible enough to change the status of various parts of the body: to stand, bend, sit, lie, etc. We give some statistics. Spine person consists of twenty-four flexibly connected to each other vertebrae, which are held in line with the intervertebral discs and ligaments, cartilage is an elastic strip, and the coccyx and sacrum. Coccyx and sacrum are fused vertebrae. Of these twenty-four vertebrae – seven cervical, twelve thoracic and five lumbar. Total distinguishes five parts of the spine: thoracic, lumbar, cervical, and sacral coccygeal.

Human spine has curves. In the cervical and lumbar – is bending forward, and in the sacral and thoracic – bend convexly ago. With these curves buff when walking and running, there is ability to withstand heavy physical exertion. Vertebrae in the spine movable relative to each other. The mobility of the vertebrae provide the intervertebral discs and ligaments and joints. Inside the spinal canal, which passes through all the vertebrae, the spinal cord is located – Automatic station many body functions. This gentle education adequately hidden inside the spine. Spinal cord injury may only if damaged spine itself. In the intervertebral foramen spinal roots leave the spinal cord, forming a shoulder, neck, lumbar and sacral plexus. The structure of the vertebra following – the body processes and the arc. Arc vertebra close the holes that form the spinal canal. The connection between these arcs are going through the joints and ligaments. Ligaments do not give vertebrae repel each other. Inside intervertebral disc is a special liquid – gelatinous core. This fluid nourishes the spine, takes from the blood are important for its vital elements. At a time when we sleep and our spine is resting, gelatinous nucleus fills the intervertebral discs. Established that night every man "grows" on two or three inches and in the evening he seemed to "shrinks". When our body takes a vertical position, the vertebrae closer together, wheels flattened and liquid coming out. Intervertebral pads, and three and twenty to twenty-four, provide mobility and flexibility of our spine, prevent bone formation, many blood vessels, nerve endings from injuries. Resistance to compression of the disc force is simply amazing. When the load on the spine of 100 kg disc shrinks only 1.4 mm. The state of the intervertebral discs depend on good posture, a person's ability unbend, tilted and rotated. Sooner or later, but almost every person with the age there are certain problems with the spine and joints. The website "The treatment of the joints" described methods of treatment of spine and joints, ways to prevent these diseases through regular physical activity, hardening of the body and other simple techniques.

Freight Cars

However, due to the limited mode of operation of most enterprises, such transport can not perform at night, traffic congestion leads to a substantial violation of route optimization of freight cars. In addition, such trucks need more space for maneuvering, turning, turning, etc. To perform these maneuvers, they have to deviate from the requirements of the SDA, to hold while turning a few rows, if not for a few minutes of maneuvering to block the entire roadway part. Due to the fact that most car drivers slightly familiar with the technicalities of maneuvers heavy vehicles, often occurring emergency situations that turn into accidents. Small accident involving a truck, especially oversized Bolshegruza and the car can lead to serious gridlock many hours. Construction, transport and logistics companies, and with them and the private truckers suffer substantial losses.

This is a compelling source of traffic and social tensions in society. Now first of all need to think about the construction and vneshnegorodskih domestic interchanges, which should reduce the minimum distance from Moscow to the main objects of the appointment: "shopping centers, supermarkets and so forth." At the same time build a road so that it was a major, and passed directly to a destination, avoiding at the same residential areas and other industrial facilities to ADB, as we have already seen that such roads can not physically provide the necessary admission, and at the same time will be saved ecology of the residential area. To fill data gaps associated with the technical side to ensure safe and smooth traffic is necessary to show the influence state represented by a special body to ensure road safety.


Indicator of good taste can be considered as landscaped area near your home or office. Are engaged in landscape designers. They are specialists who know what plants to plant more near your home (office) how to give them the required shape, where they landed, etc. They will help create a unique landscape design, amazing riot of colors and shapes, and thus blends harmoniously into the environment. In the hands of such professionals design of flower beds and flower beds converted from the category of works on gardening the garden into the category of real art. After all, when creating the original landscape design, decoration lawn or garden cultivation of these people take into account the huge number of factors. To Landscaping a really aesthetically beautiful – not enough knowledge of the art design, color theory and color combinations. It needs to be one person and an artist and gardener.

That knowledge of gardening can arrange the flower bed and flower bed, in which all of the collected plants will bloom at the same time, pleasing rainbow of hues and lush green foliage. Until recently, Landscaping has been a privilege of rich people and used for beautification, elite residences, offices and VIP-restaurants. Today, however, the services of landscape designer, it can use and people of middle affluence. Increasingly, you can see the intricately decorated lawns, flower beds and flower gardens, pleasing to the eye not only to suburban residents, but visitors and cafes, small shops and even petrol stations. And all this – the result of boundless imagination landscape designer. Anyone will be able to independently understand the basics of landscape design, skillfully using the results of scientific and technological progress. The vast amount of literature and tv programs about how to properly divide the garden or lawn, how to decorate a flower garden or flowerbed, are able to meet every demand of such self-taught. Do not forget about the Internet. And the results of the efforts of these people are quite unpredictable and original, even to the point of view of professionals.

The Basis

This program does not only imply to study a race, but many of them have traveled to realise enterprise practices. We are thus them preparing so that they can be more near the professional and labor market. We are convinced that the internationalization abre the mind, it indicates Race, the students, to be able to take advantage of this vision the COMPLEXION in the classrooms, must learn to forget. Now the COMPLEXION is interested in seeing which are the educative tendencies and realities in other interesting destinies like India or China. There is no olvidarcomoit indicates Race, that the challenge greater than crosses a regional university is to understand the culture of each country and its own needs to elaborate contents and methodologies that generate value and satisfy to the companies the challenge greater than it crosses a regional university is to understand the culture of each country and its own needs to elaborate contents and methodologies that generate value and satisfy Of course to the companies in this penetration of conquest of new markets, the guaranteed Complexion this besides its academic experience, of the use of different methodologies from study like the elaboration of projects, illustrative analyses of cases, factories, videos, constructivist method on the basis of the experience of the executives. It counts besides a technological platform that allows the companies to dictate classes within the computers of its own organizations, as it can be a supermarket or a bank.

Of that way they reduce costs; they offer to the design and the contents according to the needs of each company. Soon it shows as it Race is in march the Ilumnate, that allows 20 people to be at the same time connected and to share a file of power point or pdf. This reduces to costs and times, as well as the distance. Also we have virtual education, but in any case always we emphasized that it is important to have a part of actual contact to humanize the education. The technologies do not go single. Definitively, the ITESM is an example as case of study of how markets are conquered in which to education one talks about.

Oscar Wilde

The first book is not this one recopilatorio of articles that I publish nor, probably, will be the last one. If it were it, would suppose that it would have died to me. Vice to write, knows it all practice who it, only cures exerting it, as Oscar Wilde with respect to the temptations argued, that the unique way to surpass them is falling in them, according to the exquisite English writer. As age one is deprived already of too many things, of the unique one that fodder not to do without is in the future the one to write what it comes to me in desire. Not always it has been thus, of course. At different moments from the life, one has had to assume diverse labor, social, enterprise, familiar responsibilities, that have limited their freedom of expression. Being father, or neighbor, or newspaper director, or used of office must itself have well-taken care of and so he says himself. It is necessary to heft the words to avoid other people’s susceptibilities, by all means; but, mainly, one does not have to gamble his future cheers irresponsibly and, because soon it happens what happens.

For that reason, now no longer I have left hardly future and that if it exceeds to me something is past, I occur to account of that I go against current. That is to say, that it gives to tell things me that others are silent, in making reflections that others avoid and thinking without subjection to fashions, groups, beliefs or factions. Similar attitude, already you will include you, usually do not content to anybody and yes, however, to arouse the wrath of all. is not of ours, they say in his internal law, and sometimes in the external one, and they satanizan to him to one immediately. Some warned reader will talk back to me that I am assumeing an unwarranted role of victim, since if the things go as badly as I proclaim how it is possible that he writes in so many different means and with so different directions? Nor I know it to I myself, cranme.

Confederation Independent

And it is that CONAE (National Micro-enterprise and Confederation Independent), CONAE Castille-La Mancha (Supervisory Regional) and FRACAMAN (Regional Federation of Craftsmen of Castille-La Mancha) received three plates by the given aid to the union of the craftsmen of this Community. In representation to the National Employer’s association it attended its President, Salvador Garci’a Torrico, who took advantage of the occasion to approach all the industralists who with their daily effort reach their professional goals, since is the green buds that will remove from the crisis to us. In our country it has around 15,000 companies of crafts and in the majority of the cases one is micro-enterprises. The President of CONAE aimed that the Spanish crafts is synonymous of quality abroad and represents in addition 0.3% to the Spanish GIP . On the other hand, Miguel Muoz, as President of CONAE Castila La Mancha was thankful for the award, explaining the importance of the independent industralist, since esteem that represents more of 50% of the sector craftsman. It added that the micro-enterprises occur mainly in sectors of the wood, the ceramics and the metal and the orders constitute their form of sale more used. FRACAMAN counted on the representation of their President, Perea Robert, who did not doubt in to be thankful for the effort to the craftsmen, when arranging many of them this occupation with other labor or enterprise activities.

After the corresponding words it was continued with a press conference for the mass media, that stated the importance of the craftsmen for being promotional and impelling of the enterprise weave of Castille-La Mancha, as it concluded Salvador Garci’a Torrico. As it broaches of the act, the representatives of CONAE, CONAE Castille-La Mancha and FRACAMAN, they received a honorary plate by its work in the land of the industralist craftsman. Who is CONAE the National Confederation of Independent and Micro-enterprises, constituted on April of 1988, independently are based like an organization without spirit of profit for the defense and support of the workers and the micro-enterprises of all the national territory.

Milton Erickson

The origin of its investigation was its curiosity to understand as through the communication and of the language changes in the behavior of the people took place. Object of its investigation they were successful people like: familiar therapist, Virginia Satir, the father of the modern medical hipnologa Milton Erickson and the creator of gestalt Fritz Perls. In addition they had great influence theoretical of Gregory Bateson. Bandler and Grinder had reached the conclusion that these teachers of the change had common certain models of interaction that applied the majority of the times of unconscious way. They left from the principles of which the structures on which they are based the works of effective therapists can be discovered and, once included, they are possible to be reproduced and to be taught. The set of the patrons who modeled and their intellectual influences gave rise to the PNL. It is possible to indicate in addition, that at moments at which the communication has been located in center of the global preoccupation, the PNL I occupy quickly a strategic place between the disciplines that allow the individuals to optimize the resources.

Originally conceived for the therapeutic processes, the results that followed one another in extraordinary form obtained that use would extend that border. Doctors, psychologists, educators, far-reaching professionals of different areas and companies, apply the PNL at the moment, as much for the individual development as for the optimization of each human group. in organizational means the manager can use them in the market area in order to increase its sales since he could develop advertising campaigns that always arrive at the population taking into account the most effective channel to make arrive the message that is desired to transmit. The PNL has be of excellent importance within the organizational scope, since it improves the creativity and it allows a dynamic climate, of learning to bear the conflicts that day to day appears to us because by the condition human beings appear diversity of thoughts and conducts, we must learn to interrelacinanos with our fellow workers, in addition it helps to find the channels us to make the communication more effective and to improve the enterprise climate. All manager must worry no to only acquire knowledge office staff, but also to develop its abilities, skills, to know its strengths, to integrate themselves with its equipment, to deal with respect, self-esteem, assertiveness to its personnel.

and to handle its leadership efficiently. Definitively, PNL explains the process of learning of a process in a series of stages through which it passes the individual that learns. They are four: Unconscious incompetence (it is not known what is a car and, much less, to lead it). Conscious incompetence (momen Doctor in education; masters in administration of companies: quality and productivity; educacinIngeniero – administrator; Lawyer. Educational holder and investigator of postgraduate UC.

Administrative Problem

For every human problem there is always a solution easy, clear, plausible, and wrong. Henry-Louis Mencken management constantly is dealing with challenges that generates it some administrative problem that manifests itself in the bosom of the company under their charge and the necessary attention should be paid so that thereby not affecting organizational climate, therefore, the expected behavior of the company towards its objectives, goals, mission proposed reach. There are many companies that are affected in its operation, for not being attentive when manifests any conflict involving human resources, to the dynamics of groups, individuals, reflected in an unproductive, discontent, performance and motivation. Since then, the companies can give way to administrative problems that may arise as a result of the impact of external variables affecting organizational behavior, such as the State, which through its laws, actions, measures, affect the operation of the company, as it happens currently in the country, where companies have felt the effects damaging to many, until the end, that some (SMEs) have ceased operations or simply, their productivity is very low. All this, as a result of the measures economic, tax, exchange control that are occurring. As well as also, participation on the national stage, product of globalisation, of the foreign companies that offer their products and services, with more quality and at prices few competitive. Also, you can give the problem administrative, as a consequence of the internal organization of functionality, which involves from the leadership, authority, functions, performance, technology definitely, that a common administrative problem, consists of changes that can be generated within an organization and of which modern management can not secede from the same, since many times, if these is not given due attentionmay lead to large conflict within an organization. The problems that can lead to conflict within an organization are: technological changes size reduction charges with functions, ill-defined performances dismissal mergers modifications lack of communication, etc.