Fernando Alonso

Since the news that the winner of the F3 would make this test came out, I was already nervous. He has been extra motivation throughout the season and I hope to enjoy it. Look at that if improves Fernando Alonso (laughs) times difficult to see it. No, can not compare times because they are different conditions. I pilotare a Ferrari for several seasons ago. What their weapons to the? wheel? I am a very cerebral pilot and non-extremely aggressive. I like the style of Alonso, but he is perfectly, I just try to resemble him.

Do you think that Alonso can snatch the world Vettel? The truth is that you you do very complicated because Vettel is not failing, but I remain confident in their chances. His uncle is Luis Perez-Sala, director of HRT, do not asked that he make a hole in your team? No, we have not spoken of that. I have to make me a hole based on results. In addition, you would need an economic contribution because HRT needs to develop as a team. That Yes, if they offered me a flyer, take it without hesitation. His father was also a pilot, has lived the races from the cradle? It ceased to run soon, but that I could see some of his career. The truth is that in my family, apart from my father, I have seven and eight guys that have also been pilots. My family has been very closely linked to the automotive world.

And when he knocked the itch to put on the helmet? From very small I have liked the karts, but my first race dispute it with nine years. I went to compete with a friend, but he suffered a minor accident, and my parents were frightened. Left me not return to racing until the age of 13. Since then already I have not stopped. He combines racing with studies or is it impossible? Yes, I’m studying business administration and management, but relaxed. Before going to classes and did all subjects, but now I have less time and do it at a distance. I hope to get me the title, I think it is important.

Changing The Account From The Welcome Gift

Often, there are attractive bait advertising with a change of the current account, but here, the buyer must beware. You must watch dear readers and readers, if you are planning to change your checking account, bait advertising by various banks. Attractive premiums, reduced interest rates or even accessories such as free credit cards, free withdrawals at foreign machines, etc are widely used in order to persuade customers to switch. Although at first glance a clever deliberate change of current account, so it seems not can become noticable in the budget book and save even up to 400 a year. What however not to do, is to engage due to generous welcome gifts on a certain Bank, without informing about their further terms and content, because often deceive the seemingly attractive offers. Here, I can recommend only a careful comparison of current account, because of course can be done on the Internet.

Change in current account for example, there are a variety of tools, to find out what the conditions of selected banks look like and how to behave the costs in relation to the services. This one should first own user behavior worrying about and on a sheet of paper write down what you need, how many transactions you make, what you do without, where one is on the way, how often to make cross-border transfers, etc. Can be with this background knowledge for a suitable and cheapest Bank select that and the loss leaders included in the calculation, without letting them to hide. Care should you this on various services, such as extra costs for credit card transactions (transfer and international money transfer), cash withdrawals at foreign ATMs, lost debit card, online-banking costs, TAN method, nominal interest rates, covering interest, as well as of course the service, E.g. contact person direct at the removal of the account or phone number, and of course requirements, it must meet to customer, or To be able to be users of a specific tariff. At some banks, there are requirements, such as a certain level of monthly income or a fixed amount, which must be transferred when you open up to certain interest guarantees to get. Together you should invest the time in an intensive comparison, later to save costs, and not to fall on the first offer. Your Stephan Biermann

Emergency Loans Without Schufa In Today

Instant credit without Schufa demand than ever before. How serious are loans or instant credit without Schufa and who gets a loan without Schufa. Instant credit without Schufa is nowadays more popular and for many people a way quickly and easily to get a loan. The application is possible online and makes a comparison of the different credit providers pretty easy. All reputable credit providers is that for the request and checks whether and on what terms a credit can forgive any initial costs arise. It should be quite recommend multiple providers at the same time to request a credit. Offered in the advertising rates of the various providers can vary depending on when a specific credit offer, the respective credit rating.

The credit is the better the cheaper interest rates. It is generally assumed that the interest rates of loans and loan without Schufa information are somewhat higher than loans Schufa information. Of course as with all rules for credits without Schufa information other money and other shops. The applicant must have completed 18 years of age, he must be competent and a proof of income must be submitted. Because here the credit provider with the lending of money wants to earn and get back the awarded sum in the rates laid down in the contract. In the past, the party immediately rejected credits without Schufa for freelancers and self-employed persons of any kind. Now it is so that this is not more fully excluded. But it is so credits without Schufa for the unemployed, housewives and people with no income are not approved.

The credit providers have their registered offices usually abroad mostly in the Switzerland. A personal visit to the Bank or the credit intermediary is not necessary. The application as any contact happens via the Internet or telephone. That makes it very easy application and payment requested loan amount of short term possible. Some mortgage brokers work briefly even 7 days a week to the waiting time as possible to keep. It is so possible processing and approval of a loan to get 24 hours. The payout can be carried out on an existing account and also by postal order as cash cash.

Reconfiguration Of Papers

The reconfiguration of papers goes to have as effect to compensate the disadvantage of the woman in participating in the work market but also it will go to allow the men to participate in the familiar life. A true emancipation of the women will depend on will politics on the part of the State taking for itself the tasks that have to see with the reproduction of the work force, guaranteeing the installation of public services of quality as day-care centers, schools, lavandarias, restaurants, confections, what it will allow that men and women in such a way expend time of quality in the public sphere how much in the domestic sphere. The new Law of Work, of August of 2007, is a law that can be considered progressive by the care in incorporating necessities of women and diligent men, presenting igualitrias politics where if it makes necessary (wage politics) and politics you specify (Cases of illness, pregnancy, abortion, etc). But also it can be an example of as still we are influenced by the patriarcal model, characterized for presenting a vision of the world based on the masculine experience. An example can be found in articles 11 and 12 that it has the merit to establish some conditions special that concur for not discrimination of the women in the period of pregnancy and after childbirth. Article 11 looks for to assure that it does not have reduction of the remuneration, takings leave of or no attempted against form of against the pregnant person. The normeia article the 12 that licenses of maternity and fixed paternity sixty days consecutive of license for the mothers, who can be enjoyed 20 days before the probable date of the childbirth. For the parents, point 5 of article 12 says the following one: The father has right to a license for paternity of one day, of two in two years, that must be enjoyed in the day immediately to follow to the birth of the son.


Biography of Brgida of the Virgins Pear tree of Alencar Brgida Maria of the Virgins Pear tree of Alencar, caboclo of aboriginal origin Cariri, was adoptive son of Leonel Pear tree of Alencar Waters, perhaps natural son of one of its children, as well as its rsula sister of the Virgins Pear tree of Alencar, who are kidnapped in Juazeiro of the Bahia, for rival bandeirantes, being later married with a Portuguese sertanista of the family Walnut, going to live in Saint Maria of the Boa Vista, in Pernambuco, where vast generation left, whose antecedents lived hinterland of the Cear no longer. Brgida was born in Cabrob in the half of century XVIII and it always lived in the hinterland of the Cariri, in Pernambuco, having been created together with the children and grandsons of the family Alencar, whose part of the family was in the Cear and another one migrou for Cabrob, for 1792 return when the first misunderstandings had occurred. If it does not have to certain who had been its natural parents, but the registers point in direction to deduce that Brgida was a bastard Alencar and that it was incorporated family, lived taking care of of the house and the religious functions of the chapel of Cabrob. She was married a Portuguese helped who it to take care of of catequese of the indians of its tribe, assisting freis and priests who took care of in the chapels of the region. She consists in documents of the churches that Brgida had four children, being that one of its children, Josefa Maria of the Carmo, later wife of the Lieutenant – Martim Colonel of the Agra Coast, founder of Parnamirim. One knows that Brgida did not have knowledge of all the populations that had sprouted in lands of its property, which had been of inheritance for its descendants, also the area of the town of the Bag of the Martinho in which Brgida was only of ticket, in the end of century XVIII, for occasion of missions in Ouricuri, being that the Village of Santana did not arrive to know, therefore already had deceased when was being demarcated the bite for opening of the road what it would be later Leopoldina, that today corresponds the city of Parnamirim.

Strategical Management

According to it, the materiality of the industrial thought played as the plain one what it was more concrete, that is, the contextual possibilities of the narrative. The source of which if it fed the narrator disappears and with it existence of all a collective experience of learning, substituted for manuals and procedures, that are cold entities the foreigners, in the direction to be distant of our contribution. The quick development of the technology and the predominance technique front to the individual make with that the life conditions move vertiginously of a generation to the other. In this way, we have an unsurmountable abyss between them, therefore what it was lived by the parents and grandmothers already it does not say respect to the pragmatic demands lived by children and grandsons. The controversy between the calls is seen today generations Y, Z etc. Alone tends to get worse. In the advanced capitalism of the one after-modernismo, not even the landscape if preserves.

All dumb one and without acknowledgment, what it leaves in them without immersed referenciais and in the vertigo of the systems, where what it passed does not have plus no importance, therefore are messages in the bottle, that tell echoes of a distant world. Therefore, to narrow bows to the people is a crucial activity and notadamente offline! The leader it must show to its condition human being, who offers a friendly interface to the interlocutor. A history never presents only one face, but innumerable, that this only seems that does not interest the ones that withhold people its command. Stranger! Leaders would have to be great accountants of histories, exactly because histories are real things for hear who them. Numbers, spread sheets, graphs and ladainhas of the type ' ' we must achieve our goals' ' or ' ' we need locating in them in mercado' ' , they are extremely annoying and previsible.

Histories, in contrast, obtain to reach and to involve the people, offering more than a goal, but yes, the real direction to justify the effort in reaching it. I tired to hear in my professional life, celebrates it phrase: It makes this! When it asked the reach of the line of direction, which the importance of what he was asked for, received in return a face from landscape or one furibundo: You are not wanting to collaborate? If you never lead a team, if she forgets that the people not they follow goals, follow ideas. They search to understand, not only the task mechanics that is presented, but the intention of the work to be made e? mainly? which the level of this my contribution. If you want to awake the interest of the people whom she leads, you show to them its importance to it in the process, not only ' ' passinhos' ' of the process. The people are touched by the intuition, want to say, they not only congregate the knowledge or the attribution, but the past, gift and future in an immediate boarding of what them the attention is requested. She learns to count interesting histories and you always she will have led compromised. Luis Sergio Heddle is Palestrante, Consultant and Corporative Educator. Doutorando in Philosophy, Master in Ethics and Specialist in Strategical Management of Teams. More than 65,000 professionals already had been in its courses in all Brazil. Author of Books: The Invisible Professional and Human factor.

Peter Burke

This last one takes history if to interest for the symbolic and cultural aspects of the society. What the exhaustion is verified and of explanations offered for globalizantes theoretical models, with trends to the totality, in which the historian was hostage of the search of the truth. According to Burke: In years 50 and 60, the economic and social historians had been attracted by more or less deterministas models of historical explanation, have they given priority to the economic factors, as the marxists, geography, with Braudel, or the movements of the population (as in the case of the call ' ' model malthusiano' ' of social change. (BURKE, 1992, P. 32) These global explanations, for its incapacity to interpret new historical agents, had passed, therefore, to be questioned. This renewal of the concept also allowed to the renewal of research objects and the valuation of subjects had as secondary until then for the historiografia, when making possible the dialogue with other areas, before kept out of society in the historical studies. The look of the researcher if became finer, inquiring on the type of source, the place of production, the relations of the producer with wider fields socially consisting. The third generation, from 1969, had concerns transferred of social and economic bases to the mentalities and the daily life, the private life, ' ' superstructure cultural' '.

It is the phase of the abandonment of global history and the incorporation of the spalling. Studies of the habits, customs, beliefs, rituals, as well as of the love, the sex, the marriage, the magic, the religion, the death. Subjects as: the history of the Fear, Young, Power, Sexuality, Religiosidade, Structures, Women, Feeding, Book, Myth, among others. Or still, as salient Peter Burke (1992, P. 25), ' ' already it was suggested that when the historians had started to make new types of question on the past, to choose new objects of research, they had had that to search new types sources, suplemental the documents oficiais' '.

Elac Report

One is about a repository of digital contents, enclosing the production of deriving knowledge of diverse countries and is integrated to the Vestibule of the Professor, also of the MEC. The main intention of this Vestibule aims at to keep and to share digital educational resources of free access whose contents are elaborated in the most different formats, as audio, video, animation, simulation, educational software, image, map, hipertexto, etc. the production and dissemination of contents, as this, possesss a multiplying effect, a time that can help to spread values and knowledge in diverse segments of the society, promoting the digital inclusion and bigger accessibility of educational objects (Elac Report, 2010). Innumerable companies also promote the inclusion digital, through partnership in the elaboration of projects, of the incentive to the auto-support of the communities, the empreendedorismo and corporative actions that favor the digital inclusion in the education. Acting of this form, with social responsibility, the companies are complementing action of solidarity to the public politics, assisting the development, the integration and the educational level of the involved communities.

The social responsibility is a positive commitment of all and can bring as benefit resulted, since that it is executed in conscientious way and with seriousness, providing the increasing development of citizenship (Rothgiesser, 2004). The third sector comes finding forms and artifices to develop its programs of digital inclusion, mainly the not governmental organizations that not they measure efforts to establish partnerships with diverse institutions in the entire country, aiming at to disponibilizar a letramento and citizenship, learning environment the new users of the Internet. To reduce the index of digital exclusion, a mobilization on the part of the authorities, prioritizing the education becomes necessary, by means of the adoption of an including plan the national level that if considers to promote the access to the net, indiscriminately, taking care of devoid children, young and adults (USP, 2007).


If your choice is correct in a short time you’ll notice it since you tell with an indescribable satisfaction and success that will come hand in hand with that same satisfaction. Why that I emphasize that you should enjoy the activity you do or enjoy writing about what you like and love is for the simple fact that an article is more than a set of words, in the your readers instantly noticed the level of preparation you have, they will feel if they must pay you your attention or not and what is fundamental intuiran if they can trust you or not. Remember that you will be able to be read by thousands or millions of people who asomaran to your blog with the big question to make a blog successful or not. What about here for me? Articles that you write for them, in fact those who answer this question shall receive comments in which you will have direct feedback from the readers, which will be those who will be giving you ideas to evolve and still enrich more articles for your blog. Here are some proven techniques that you can use to choose the theme of your blog:-performs a brainstorming with all possible topics that you come to head, or encompass them in the following manner:-any topic that you know many things such as your hobbies, your job, what interests you, your tastes or your talents. -Everything that you like or you have available to learn. It lists what appeals to you in a natural way. -Everything for what you’re good.

We are talking here about your natural talents or those who would you like to develop your skills or those things that arias without that pay you for doing so. There are topics or particularities to the theme of your blog that should be than siguas, these are:-about something that makes you save or earn money to people (finance, personal, games, marketing, stock exchange, etc.)-something that is educational or that teach something (care of the elderly, babies, sick, accounting, technical specifications, carpentry, crafts, etc.) -Procurement which item you choose has enough followers or having many searches on search engines. Do not look much at the order of your list, what matters is that you try to put everything that leaves you head at that moment, then later you can do a more thorough study with this list or add sub-items to those who already you have. The choice of the theme for our blog is not something we should do lightly, our future is in the, through the create our image online and through the us know our future clients. Do you not think that it is worth thinking about it a little deeper? With this article I wanted to expose an issue that does not always give us easy and even more so when we are just starting or when we want to begin with the creation of our first blog, I invite you all to me comment on the blog if you have any suggestions that may help others or their doubts about, your comments are always welcome. If you need more information about this topic or other related to the marketing and line invite them me to visit in which you will find extensive information that will help them with their beginnings in online endeavors. By its greatest success. Jorge a. Magallanes.

Human Motivation

Currently if it speaks very on the importance of the motivation as motor that it stimulates the person human being to play with definitive ability action or work. We find thus, this emphasis to the motivation, over all in courses entrepreneurs, as well as in auto-aid literature. In the field of enterprise literature, it affirms John Adair (1934-), on motivation: If the communication is sister of the leadership, then the motivation also it is. ‘ ‘ Motivao’ ‘ it comes of the Latin verb ‘ ‘ movere’ ‘. It exists, it is clearly, a variety of forms to mobilize people: you can threaten them with punishment of diverse forms, or induziz them for you reward financiers. (2000, p.37). For a scientific conceptualization, the motivated behavior if characterizes as one strong dismissal of energy, directing itself for an objective, or goal. Thus, for one better agreement of the motivated behavior, we can conceive reason as incentive, either positive that if dirige for the objective, as the negative that if it moves away, for esquiva or escape, of the motivador object.

On the other hand, reason also can to reveal as impulse (or force that it puts into motion), they are innate reasons, as the physiological ones; the theories divergem on the innate necessities as the boarding of each psychological school, for Watson, for example: ‘ ‘ the stimulatons, as well as the answers of that the comportamentalista if occupies, can be simple or complex. Luminous waves that reach the retina can be considered relatively simple stimulatons; but the stimulatons can more be physical objects of the environment or a situation ampla’ ‘. (SCHUTZ; SCHUTZ. 1992, p.249).