The Organization
Close to this ground of dismissal and that that basis, dismissal due to a single gross violation of employee job duties. For serious violations include: absenteeism (absence from work place without a good reason for more than four consecutive hours during the working day) coming to work in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other toxic substances; disclosure of secrets protected by law (Public, commercial, service and other), which became known to the employee in connection with his employment; committing theft in the workplace (including small) of another's property, embezzlement, intentional it destruction or damage, established by a valid court sentence or order of the body authorized to use administrative penalties, violation of worker safety and health requirements, if the violation resulted in serious consequences (work accident, an accident, the catastrophe), or knowingly created a real threat of such consequences. There is another common grounds for dismissal – mismatch position due to lack of qualifications, confirmed the results of certification. Inconsistency – the inability to employee training quality perform due to an employment contract, its performance is unsatisfactory, a systematic marriage, etc. Inconsistency employee position or work required to prove the administration. It was she who organizes test of knowledge, skills, theoretical and practical skills of the employee. If you made a certification, then conscientiously prepare for it. The most common ploy is the employer's dismissal for absenteeism.
If you have already "promised" to fire for absenteeism, try to make your arrival and departure from work seen by other employees. If you go to court to recover their rights, their testimony will be work on the weekend, if it is declared in the prescribed manner a working day; unauthorized abandonment of work – all of these cases are absenteeism. You need to be alert and careful in the workplace. Remember that forbidden to drink alcohol, not only during operation, but also outside office hours at the workplace or within the organization. Refrain from taking part in the feast, even if it has initiated a supervisor. What do those employees who may, but is not hit by the reduction? In this case only general recommendations: to try to demonstrate to the employer a high level of motivation to achieve results of labor function, try to achieve visible results in their work, which should be seen not only you but your colleagues and supervisor.
Despite all the difficulties that brought us financial crisis, and in such situation has its pluses. It is possible that right now you notice and appreciate leadership, a wide range of duties and responsible approach to their implementation will help you climb up the corporate ladder. If possible, Try to do more than ever, the amount of work will be a plus if you add additional responsibilities. If you expanded the scope of duties, do not hurry to resent or complain, even if the amount of Salary has not changed, and only talk about assistant fraught with unwanted firing an employee. Compensatory time off and sick leave for an employer – a source of discontent and irritation. Some workers choose a different path, such as collecting dirt on colleagues or even to the head, blackmail, denunciation of colleagues, superiors and others seduction Remember, these games are dangerous, unpredictable consequences of them.