Simply Put – The Own Rhetoric Of Success
How to win people to use rhetoric and convince Paroli offer large mouths, have the laughs on his side and appear weighty matter what it costs teach us modern rhetoric Popes. Everywhere, rhetorical tricks, quick wit techniques are marketed and convey a sense of verbal security and sovereignty. And the reality: platitudes, stilted phrases that we immediately expose. Simply with his new book”Oliver Gross doing something virtually unheard of again. He breaks with the usual methods, tricks, and tools and replacing them with common sense, reason, and the value orientation of the individual. In short: He connects what others separate. The best friend we talk differently.
Just authentic – we even speak. And in the profession or in important situations? Pontificating, schnorkelhaft, as if we were free of ourselves another -. The price we pay for it, is however highly. Everyone knows the situation, that he what says his counterpart,. There is a certain mistrust. Because we have learned – quite unconsciously – the interplay of what and how it is said, in conjunction with the overall appearance to assess and we notice it immediately: you can be never a good of others. Oliver Gross shows you in this book, that the speech, receives its value character and intention of the speaker by its own language, credibility and authenticity. Without manipulation, memorized phrases and rhetorical tricks we reach even our listeners.
He shows us clear and practice-oriented manner, how to find our own way based of our own. This book provides valuable knowledge on how to profitably and authentically engage our own rhetoric. No matter whether in the sales pitch, in a negotiation or a lecture. The reader learns how he can easily master the four tasks of rhetoric, can master easily very rhetoric of four abandoned the he > how he awakens the desire to listen, he wakes, listen to the lust > how he is understood and pictorial language uses, he has made, language pictorial and is understood > how audience better and more sustainable reserve said, can, and keep sustainable better hip listeners > what to do, so that the audience takes what is said and implements, which he said putting listeners, accepts and so must do > why rhetoric is more than just a speech, keep the rhetoric, to a speech only as is, more > how he uses the rhetoric as the school of thought, rhetoric the he as uses, thinking of the school > life be sustainable as rhetoric and successfully change kann.rhetorik and can. successfully transform live be > Oliver Gross just like you said people to win with rhetoric and convince if suddenly everyone listens to and understands 2008 112 pages 1st Edition BusinessVillage, ill. Illustrations ISBN 978-3938358-74-0 21.80 now at Amazon ordering!