Agricultural Field
We can stand out that in fact it did not have significant changes in the agricultural schools, having great imbalance in relation the urban schools, this first one if it detached for the large state, over all the rudimentary techniques of production, not understood as cultural space, therefore it only reproduced the urban school. LDBN 9,394/96 promotes the desvinculao of the agricultural school of the urban school, demanding for first a linked planning to the agricultural life, being that in article 26 it has the description that in the resumes they are inserted regional contents. In certain way a great step was given for the education of the field, however it does not prove the bases for a planning that is on to the agricultural life, with professors, materials, physical conditions, others. That they are in accordance with the estimated ones necessary for the man of the field. Another important aspect in LDBN 9,394/96, is in its article 28, where it establishes the norms for the education of the field: In it offers of the basic education for the agricultural population, the education systems to provide the necessary adaptations to its adequacy, the peculiarities of the agricultural life and of each region, especially: I appropriate curricular contents and methodology to the real necessities and interests of the pupils of the agricultural zone; II proper pertaining to school organization, including the adequacy of the pertaining to school calendar to the phases of the agricultural cycle and to the climatic conditions; III adequacy to the nature of the work in the agricultural zone. (BRAZIL, 1996). In analyzed documents of the MST, the conception of education of the field it is structure of the following form: Conception of World; Conception of School; Conception of Evaluation. In the conception of world, importance of the valuation of the culture of the field is standed out it, enclosing the history of people, however not leaving to know other forms of organizations.