The criteria used for the majority of the people to select foods are basically between the palate, the cost, the influence of the partners and friends, the advertising, the packing and the disposal in the shelves of the store and diverse factors of psychological and psicossocial order, as lack of motivation, social influences, beliefs and feelings of low auto-effectiveness. (VIANA, 2002) When observed practical the alimentary ones, understood of breast-feeding to the daily feeding of the family, it is verified that they are deriving of knowledge, experiences and experiences, constructed from the conditions of life, the culture, the social nets and scientific knowing of each time historical and cultural. observes that the practical habits and the alimentary ones are permeados by the maternal learning, that have beginning in infancy, and are associates to the urban habits of consumption. (ROTENBERGL; The VARGAS, 2004) According to Trindade and Teixeira (s.d.), some aspects are important and must deserve a bigger attention with regard to familiar factors that influence the behaviors of health of the children and the adolescents, as for example: – relationship with the alimentary behaviors, physical exercise, the substance consumption and the prevention of accidents; – Impact of changes of the familiar functioning in the health of the children, particular in situations of divorce, monoparental families, etc.; – Influence of maltreatment, recklessness and familiar violence on the physical and mental health of the children; – Influence of the illness or deficiency of the children in the familiar functioning, appointedly the related one with the installment of cares of long duration. AN and BN have a familiar component fort and raised taxes of alimentary pathology it enters familiar the next ones as well as high incidence of illnesses to the mood, substance abuse and disturbance of the personality and anxiety.