Studying English

United States is one of the destinations chosen by the students who decide to learn English abroad. The motivations? Streamline what was learned or accelerate learning, in both cases it is achieved through continuous interaction with other students. Knowledge and immersion in a different culture, experience that transcends to the classrooms. Sharing daily information, customs, cultures, participate in real conversations with Anglophones. Interaction constant with natives, this allows correct grammatical aspects and mainly the pronunciation, one of the aspects that it costs us more to the Spanish-speakers. Share information both academic as well everyday, everyday that makes daily living, is also there where you learn idioms, jargon, accents or expressions that often are not taught in a traditional course. The strength of this system lies in that you learn English through a partner that is not familiar with our language, this obliges us to strive to understand the information without the possibility of immediate translation and without contextualizing the data in Spanish.That way, our brains become accustomed to thinking in English, this is the key to learning.

Another one of those reasons is the highest security that presents a native when it comes to teach and correct pronunciation and grammatical aspects. The magnificent possibility of knowing other cultures and customs. Institutions where the courses are equipped to attend to all the needs of students: library, internet access, computer room for those who do not have personal computer, bar and common spaces of recreation. And the big question is: what include these English courses abroad? Registration and classes during the school year in EE UU. Full board accommodation. Transfers towards the residence or homestay.

Personal tutor with monthly visits. Academics and personal reports each month. Notes and safe medical textbooks (anyway we recommend to consult if your coverage) local medical has international scope) management of proceedings experienced, with broad professional career teachers. Remember that ensure mastery of the language guarantees a quick job placement because better paid jobs require proficiency in this language. It is time to not be left out Te animas to study abroad?

Dyslexics Write

That you understand it better, is mistakes that we all make when we write very quickly on the computer and then fix. Well, the Dyslexics do exactly the same thing, but do not correct them, because they do not realize. Evaluates your calligraphy many children with dyslexia have a very poor graphomotor, simply because they have not integrated the association between the sounds of the words (phonemes) and its graphical representation (grapheme). To check if your son or daughter has this problem ask to leave you a note stuck in the fridge every morning for a week and notes if he makes mistakes like that you have described in the previous paragraph, in your writing. Pay attention to your memory in the short term the short-term or working memory, is one that intervenes when the boy or girl reads the wording of a problem and should retain information to raise the data or when you want to write a story about a topic. As well, the Dyslexics pose major problems for these actions. Most common is that when the boy or girl go to write, do not hold a driver son in history or you may need to divide the phrases the wording of a problem to be able to extract the data.

Simply, sit with your son or daughter to do homework and find out if this happens. As you can see, if your son or daughter presents difficulties such as those you’ve described has a very distinctive profile which will allow you to differentiate dyslexia from what is not. Please, note if it manifests any of these difficulties and if so, query to your school counselor or a professional school psychology right now that help you provide strategies that allow you can deal with this problem, since academic results that depend on the control that he or she has a lot on his dyslexia. Best regards, Jenny Guerra Hernandez

Historical Origin

The study of the historical origin of the Gypsy tarot, is very interesting since it reflects the history of the culture of the world. The birth of the tarot is closely linked to the history of cultures and peoples, and to the various religions of the world. There are actually different criteria on the date or place of birth of the tarot. The study of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs points out that there is a very similar practice, entrusted to the priests of the Pharaoh. The purpose of this primitive tarot was to achieve a path of direct communication with the deity, which could be homologated to the Oracle at Delphi of the Greeks. Logically, this practice was not for the people but that was reserved for the nobility, who took these predictions very seriously.

Merchants such as Assyrian and Phoenician peoples, as well as Jewish peoples in its course over the world led the practice of reading the cards to all corners of Europe and Africa, each people adapted to their own culture and idiosyncrasy. The birth of the ancient age brought about Europe the fall of a terrible veil of ignorance and superstition: the Inquisition. From the establishment of this regime, there is very little documented about the practices of the tarot. At this point he had already quite popular on the coasts of Marseille, on the Mediterranean Sea, led by the hand of seamen who were circulating between Europe and Africa and Asia minor. During the Inquisition, for very little people were tortured in brutal and sadistic ways, and burned at the stake. It is assumed that who would be devoted to the reading of the letters wouldn’t public in any way its activity. However, as in the ancient Egypt, was the royalty which retained the habit of performing readings of tarot in private meetings. While both, the Roma people had adopted this practice as theirs, taking it in its eternal evolution around the world where you want to be.

It is well known that the Gypsies were one of the favorite objects of the persecution of the Inquisition, but despite all the opposition found retained the habit of Chuck cards until today. Once it was the century of the lights and the Inquisition reached its end, saw a revival of the custom of the circulation of the Gypsy Tarot cards. It is from this moment that develops an artistic current that seeks to give a new image to the arcane ancient, with productions really beautiful as the Rider tarot or the Visconti-Sforza tarot, of singular beauty. The cards of the tarot & intuition Tarot Gitano the meaning of the ACE of gold coins in the Gypsy tarot Tarot Gypsy Gypsy Tarot, tarot history, reading of cards Gypsy Tarot cards of the tarot & intuition Tarot Gitano the meaning of the ACE of gold coins in the Gypsy tarot Tarot Gitano


Malaga will be the headquarters of the XXXVII Congress national of the society Spanish of Rheumatology, which will take place in the Palace of fairs and congresses of the Malaga capital during the days 11, 12 and 13 May. Congress of Rheumatology in Malaga the society Spanish of Rheumatology (be), organizer of this event physician-scientist, was constituted in June 1948, with the aim of promoting the study of rheumatism and medical problems associated with them. Later, in 1952, was recognized the specialty of Rheumatology by the Ministry of education. The Congress will bring together a significant number of physicians in this specialty, that during these days will discuss, among other things, refractory osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, the immunopathogeny of rheumatic diseases and diet and rheumatic diseases. Your accommodation to attend this Congress can make it in one of the hotels in Malaga with superior 4-star category, our Hotel Monte Malaga, that for this occasion offers rooms to attendees to this meeting. To make reservations at our hotel where we will apply you rate meetings/events with prices from 98 per room and night with breakfast buffet and taxes included, simply click on the following link: book room in the HOTEL MONTE MLAGA important: to qualify for this rate will be indispensable to present at the reception of the hotel updated documentation attesting to their attendance at the Congress/event/meeting. After 9/11 I began to be discriminated against. Atte.: Marc Copani is has ready Rajoy to be President? E-Campanya