Language Conjunction

The present work has as end, to understand as if it defines the semantics and the grammar in the didactic book having as study object the Portuguese book and Languages of William Robert Cherry, Thereza Cochar Magalhes. To understand as the conjunctions and the semantics if they present in the exercise considered. Words keys: Semantics, Grammar, Didactic Book. Introduction the studies of the language very has advanced in the last times in the s diverse institutions of education spread by the country, what it has taken many researchers and educators to search the subject. In used didactic books in the education of the Portuguese language in Brazil, we can observe that the majority looks for to diferenar education with form examples that the reader is taken to a more efficient learning. In this article I look for to understand as to the semantic values the Portuguese didactic book and Language of Willian authors are worked in Robert Cherry Thereza Cochar Magalhes, in exercise 04 of page 46 where if it presents of the following form: 4) – I announce In it to follow, in the reminder that makes warning against the use of the tobacco, forbore it integrant conjunction: The Health department warns: (that) to smoke the health is harmful badly the health the omission of the conjunction becomes the fast message most direct and. It sees: The Health department warns: (…) to smoke the health is harmful badly the health According to Cereja and Magalhes (1999, p.46) in the written language, for reason of expressividade, clarity and concision, must, whenever possible, to prevent the repetition of the conjunction that. In the case of the job of the subordinated conjuncts substantive, we make use of the resources to substitute the verb for a substantive or to transform the developed conjunct into a reduced substantive conjunct.

Pacific Coast

Political the social figure of the arhuacos is Mamo, that guides the town with its knowledge. 3. Ember (It hit) – Location: Although in Choc it inhabits 50% of emberas of the country, in other based departments where they are east indigenous town receive another name like: Cholos in the Pacific Coast, Chames or memes in Risaralda, Catos in Antioch and Eperas in Nario and the Cauca. – Population: 71.412 in all the country. – Language: they waunaan.

– Culture: they practice the hunting and the fishing, generally the man embera only leaves to obtain food. These natives live in small constructed parcels to borders of the river. 4. Guambianos – Location: One is in his majority in the caucanos municipalities of Silvia, Jambal, Totor, Caldono and Toribio, although there are small establishments in the Huila. – Population: 20,782 natives. – Language: guambiana. – Culture: They create in the ritual of the marriage and have the freedom to choose to its sentimental pair.

Nevertheless, still some unions by convenience practice, so the origin of the pretending one studies very well. They are organized in town halls that watch and defend their territory. 5. Grass (Nario) – Location: in the department of Nario they inhabit the plateau of Tquerres and Ipiales. – Population: 55,379 natives. – Language: by the cultural interchange it lost his dialect. Now only they speak Spanish. – Culture: They practice the horticulture. Being its main rituals conserves guayusa and the chapil, drinks by means of which they are put in contact with the world and the nature. They are organized in governor, secretary, treasurer and bailiffs. The members of the town hall carry a cane that represents its power on the community.

Sciences Pablo

In 5 years of studies it concludes the EnsinoSecundrio, demonstrates a good performance in the area of the education, where in the mesmocolgio he gains to the 18 years its first job, becoming, in 1941, professorde Portuguese language defending the education as practical of the freedom. Soon apsse to become professor of the Osvaldo College Cross, on account dedicated to aestudos of philosophy and philosophy of the language proper. Following its ideals, form-seBacharel in Right in Recife, but having the directed vocation to lecionar would logoabandonaria the profession, that practically did not arrive to exert, therefore its paixopela education (DREIRE, 1985, p.8 lead) to defend it thesis for the Cadeirade History and Philosophy of the Education in the School of Beautiful Arts of Pernambuco, teseessa that it would be its first book. In 1947, with only 26 anosele was nominated managing of the Department of Education and Culture of the SESI, entirely ondeentrou in contact with the alfabetizao of adults, participating deum intense work of formation of circles of dialogues between epais professors of pupils. In all study that Pablo Freireparticipava on pedagogical theories always drained in experiences deeducao, being that all left of one I continue effort of critical reading darealidade social, in which its experiences would have ' ' to be lived in way auma how much possible so narrow participation in the daily life them educandosdo povo' ' the calls life reading (BRANDO, 2005, P. 63).

Since the first years dedocncia, the professor Pablo relutou in changedding into a professor of room deaula and a searching specialist in academic subjects. In 1961, he was nomeadoprofessor of history and philosophy of the Education of the College of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the University of Recife. In these times Pablo Freire esua team of educators northeasterns worked in the creation of new sistemade work in the alfabetizao, based in cartilhas and in bringing for the world doadulto, forms of didactic work with children in nothing corresponded sidias of a liberating education, defining its ideiais as idiaisde a human socialism (BRANDO, 2005, P.